Facilities Updates and Timelines

Facilities Updates

3 January 2023

This year we kick off many facility moves and updates throughout the college.  All of our moves and renovations will help better position the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering to support research activities while making more efficient use of space for many years to come.  We will be regularly updating impacted faculty and staff throughout the year via email.  However, this site will serve as a central information hub for all facility updates being carried out throughout the college, so be sure to check back here often.  This page will include at timelines for large-scale projects, and regular updates on our progress.

In order to help facilitate these moves and renovations and improve facilities bandwidth, we are in the process of searching for and adding an additional project manager to join the college facilities staff.  We are also enabling each department to individually work with the University’s Planning, Design & Construction for small facilities jobs to aid in reducing any bottleneck issues.  

Some of our significant projects include moving into the Malachowsky Hall for Data Science and Information Technology (MH) building, renovating the Chemical Engineering Building, and relocating the headquarters of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering into the New Engineering Building.  As timelines for these significant projects are constructed, they will be posted here.  The current initial timeline for moving into MH the can be found here: MH Update Timeline   This timeline will be updated regularly as plans are expanded, adjusted, and finalized. 

If you have any questions or concerns during these many facilities upgrades that is not addressed by this site, please reach out to Alina Zare, Associate Dean for Research and Facilities.   

Project Timelines

Check back here regularly for updates as project timelines are added, plans are expanded, and timelines are adjusted. 

Malachowsky Hall Move-In Timeline

January 2023:  

  • Begin to walk through research labs moving into MH with movers to determine moving needs and quote moving costs

February 2023:

  • For large and specialized equipment moving into MH, equipment vendors are contacted, and moving costs quoted
  • Finalize MH Move Schedule

March 2023:

  • Begin planning move timeline and schedule for MAE relocation and additional spaces opening up following MH occupancy

April 2023:

  • Distribute packing material and moving instructions to MH occupants

June 2023:

  • Finalize allocation of all student group spaces
  • Finalize graduate student seating assignments for the move into MH
  • Move all non-essential equipment into MH (i.e., all equipment that does not need to be accessed between June-August 2023)

July 2023:

  • Move all remaining large-scale equipment into MH 

August 2023:

  • Move all occupants into MH (academic advisors may delay if needed)

October 2023:

  • Move all academic advisors into MH

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